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Today ArenaNet hosted a fan day for European players in Brighton, UK. They had chances to get in game and play as well as talk with the developers. Luckily for those of us unable to attend, the questions and answers were posted on twitter.
- Q: observer mode for PvP? Eric: not at launch. We would like to have it in the future. Will talk about it when we can.
- Q: sylvari/asura playable in future beta events? Eric: we want to expand content in future, but also want to avoid spoilers
- Q: Rank emotes for PvP? Eric: no rank emotes like the deer in GW. No special emotes for a specific type of game play like PvP
- Q: Anything more about guild features? Eric: will launch w/ the major features in-game now; will keep refining post-launch.
- Q: How do players see cross-profession combos? Eric: visual effects in-world, UI pop-up that says “combo”. It won’t be explicitly spelled out. Rely on players to learn & observe in-game. “I’m sure it will be on the wiki.”
- Q: human females seem to be v. pretty. Kristen: sliders allow players further customization. Humans in general are idealized..
- Q: Penalty for changing guilds? Eric: No. We look at guilds as groups of friends. I have different groups of friends I play the game w/. Freedom to play w/ your diff. social groups. Guild membership is meaningful b/c friendships are meaningful. In competitive PvP, players can be recognized by teams. You could have a well-known team w/ members from different guilds.
- Q: Sidekicking in dungeons? Colin: Yes. You get sidekicked down if you are higher than the rec. level. No sidekicking up tho.
Observer mode and sidekicking up would be welcome additions to the game. No penalties for being in multiple guilds is excellent. I love how ArenaNet continues to show that they want players to have fun. It seems such a basic concept but many developing studios have lost sight of why people play these things we call games.