Today, GW2Hub put out their second part of their interview with Jon Peters where they discussed a bit of everything from social interaction to changes in the game. Here’s a quick clip:
Sardu: And that kind of interaction also helps promote more of the social aspects of the game which are obviously very important in GW2.
Jon Peters: I played in the beta weekends before the Prophecies release, and now I’ve been able to play in the beta events for GW2 as well. What’s interesting is that we’re currently right back in that stage where people are deeply theorycrafting builds, deciding what the cornerstones of X build should be based on Y.
So we’re seeing that exact same cycle repeat itself now, and I expect that will be even more the case when the next beta event hits. At that point, a lot of theorycrafted builds will be put into action and people will begin to discover why they may or may not work the way they expected.