While the official Guild Wars 2 forums were still active after the second weekend beta event, there was a player-made topic asking for wish lists of features and fixes players most hoped to see before GW2 launches. The thread had some great ideas and suggestions for the developer team. Guild Wars 2 is looking very impressive even though it’s still in its beta stages, but there’s always room for improvement! In fact, many of these features are seen as almost necessary to some players.
We thought we’d post some of the ideas from that list and find out about other features and fixes the community would like to see implemented. Feel free to post your ideas in the comments section!
- Area loot
- Camera zoom
- Clock
- Latency bar
- Input lag notification
- Additional UI customization
- Duel option
- View distance fixed
Looting can be a bit of a pain currently, especially in the middle of hectic dynamic events. RIFT and other MMOs have implemented a very handy area looting feature that GW2 could really benefit from. One click– loot all the mobs!
GW2′s camera could use a lot of work. Many players are asking for increased camera zoom, and for good reason. The camera simply seems too close at times. A way to zoom into first person point of view would also make many people happy. Yes, scenic screenshots, please!
Little things sometimes make all the difference. A local clock located somewhere in the game’s UI would be awesome.
Another basic UI feature that really needs to be added.
This feature would especially be helpful to players in other regions of the world, where ping sometimes makes a large difference.
UI customization is key in today’s MMO market. GW2′s is starting to come together nicely, but a way to totally customize the UI straight out of the box would please many, many players.
Surprisingly, this one isn’t in yet.
Many players have commented on the fact that GW2′s view distance seems a little wonky, and more blurry than it should be. This should get fixed when the game is graphically optimized, hopefully.
- Bank/bag space adjusted
- Ability to log out to character screen
- Inventory organization
- Smarter spell range/pathing mechanic
- Class balance adjustments
- Fix the “mute while in background” button
- Item appearance preview
- Target-of-target frame
- Person-to-person trading
- More unique armor/weapon appearances
- Cosmetic costumes usable in combat
- More emotes
- Ability to move skills between buttons
- Streamlined crafting
GW2′s storage system isn’t bad, but it’d be nice to be able to craft from the bank, since crafting uses so many different materials. More bank/bag storage space would also be nice.
A simple addition that would make logging to alts a whole lot easier.
Many players have had difficulty in organizing their inventory space, especially when it comes to tracking multiple weapon sets. Perhaps a way to combine multiple bags or a new button that automatically organizes items by type would help.
Many of the spell effects and line-of-sight paths could use some tightening.
Big one! Some classes need some major fixes. Mesmers, Engineers, Ranger pets, and Guardian ranged abilities are the ones I could think of off the top of my head– but I’m sure there are many more.
Minor, but yes, would be a nice fix.
This would be a very welcome addition. In a game where cosmetic items are very prominent, a way in which to preview them seems almost necessary.
This would be extremely welcome. A target-of-target frame would help players know what mobs are targeting who at a quick glance, further assisting players in getting a feel for GW2′s combat.
It seems odd that this is currently not in-game. While GW2′s mail system is excellent, there are times when in-person trading is simply preferred. For that matter, it would be nice to see certain items, like dyes, tradeable between players.

Many of the weapon and armor options while leveling are repeated, which is quite disappointing to many players. More unique models would be great.
I can see how this would be a nice change, but a part of me is actually satisfied with the idea of “in-town” apparel and “battlewear”.
Pretty sure this one is going to be a given addition. There is a lack of character emotes right now.
GW2′s skill system is very unique, and awesome, but it’d be nice to be able to move abilities around for the sake of keybind customization. For example, to set all charge abilities as “2″ between weapon sets.
GW2′s crafting system is extremely in-depth, which is welcome, but it could use some streamlining. Better organization for recipes, for example, and perhaps even some hints as how to begin leveling and discovering items.
- Additional official server types
- The ability to sit on chairs
- More style options and equality in character creation
- Slower mob respawn timer
- Equality in gendered armor styles
- Optional tutorials about GW2 techniques
This would be good to see, especially for players who are newer to MMOs. Tutorials for dodging, weapon switching, etc., would be helpful. - Greater broadcast range on dynamic events
- Release!
Some official AUS/oceanic servers would be welcome. Also, official RP servers!
Minor, but a really nice quality-of-life feature that’s missing in some recent MMO releases. GW2 has an expansive world for roleplay– let’s see it completed.
Some of the racial options do seem a bit slim compared to others. Also, some of the character models– human faces, for example– don’t seem as “realistic” as they could be, and seem almost artificial-like. This could really use some adjustments.
This was one of the largest complaints heard during the last beta weekend event, and I imagine respawn rates will be tweaked by ArenaNet.
I know, I know, folks like to believe that 95% of all MMO players are young, straight males– but times are changing. Female Warrior mandated bikini-wear really isn’t cool for the entire playerbase.
Minor, but yes, this would be welcome, especially for the post-rush leveling period.
Many players offered this contribution, and I couldn’t help but share it. Agreed totally!