If you are looking for an EU based friendly, casual, multi-gaming community then please read on about the Pandion Knights, a community that has been around for over 10 years.
A Bit of History
The Pandion Knights was setup over 10 years ago by a group of friends. It was setup because we wanted to play games online but most communities we saw either had a huge set of rules etc to agree to, or they were very competitive and serious. (One even required you to request holiday!)
We wanted to form a community where people could come back from work, study, family life and simply play some games with like-minded people.
Over the years the community grew and grew playing a variety of games from the FPS classics of COD and Battlefield to the MMO’s we all know like Everquest, STO, World of Warcraft, Rift, SWTOR and more recently The Secret World.
Our upcoming big game will be Guildwars 2, wich we already have around 100 members in our guild.
Who we will appeal to?
If you are the type of player who wants to be part of a Guild that is the best and does World Firsts do not apply. We are not a hardcore serious community.
That said though we also want to progress through games like anyone else, and you can only do that by working as a Team. So if you are the type of person who likes to help others and likes to work together to achieve a common goal then look us up.
As for your personality etc. Well we have people from all walks of life and our main members tend to be either people with families or who work full time. Ages range from 18 to 50+.
As mentioned we play a variety of games and we even play some unusual types such as virtual board games and some consoles.
We have TeamSpeak 3 server and regularly meet up through the year with people with one big event in the Summer for a BBQ.
Who do we want?
We are not restricting any Class, as our community is more about the person behind the character, however we do have an age restriction of 16 years old.
Play what char you want and have as many “alts” as you want. All we ask is that they are active and you use our community tools (Forums and Teamspeak).
Server details
Of course the servers are not out yet but we will be playing on a English server.
How to join and more information?
Please head on over to www.pandionknights.co.uk to check out our website.
If you do wish to join, register. Once registered you can put a post-up there and let us know a bit about yourself, please also include your GW2 character name aswell. (Because if we dont know who people are when requesting membership on GW2 we wont accept)
Thank you for reading this, may we wish you good gaming times and hope to see you soon
GW2 admins are Dylanlucas, Legael and Jackolas.