- Account Security
- Hackers have lists of email addresses and passwords stolen from other games and web sites, and collected through spyware, and are systematically testing Guild Wars 2 looking for matching accounts. To protect yourself, use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you’ve never used anywhere else! If your current password isn’t unique to Guild Wars 2, change it today! Do not under any circumstances use the same password for Guild Wars 2 as you do for your email account.
- We’ve observed hack attempts against hundreds of thousands of accounts that don’t even exist. To protect those people in case they purchase Guild Wars 2 and create an account, we will now disallow customers from picking passwords that we’ve previously seen used in a hack attempt.
- See this article for more tips on choosing good passwords and keeping your account secure.
- Customer Support
- Our customer support team is prioritizing hacked accounts and other blocking login issues over other types of support requests. We’re currently responding to prioritized support tickets within 48 hours, and will soon be responding within 24 hours.
- To reset a password or disable email authentication on your account, follow these instructions. Be sure to read all security guidelines before performing either of these steps.
- Game Updates
- Check the forum links below for details on recent game updates.
- There is no game update scheduled for September 10.
- Reporting exploits
- If you discover an emergency game-breaking or economy-breaking bug, do not exploit it, but please notify us immediately at this email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net. You may also use this email address to report suspected security vulnerabilities. Thank you to everyone who has sent reports. However, note that we cannot respond individually to emails to this address.
- Worlds & Overflow
- We’re increasing world capacity as necessary to handle all the new players coming into the game.
- During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it’s common for players to be directed to overflow servers. To play with a friend on a different overflow server, form a party together, then right-click on the friend’s portrait in the party list and click “join”. We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world.