If you’re interested in doing your own Guild or Alliance Spotlight, please check out the instructions here.
The Mantle of Gallifrey is a guild based on having fun no matter what you want to do. We have a base structure set up already and looking for more people to fill out the ranks and join us in the fun. We’re going to be mass accepting players for a couple weeks into the release and we’ll be looking for specific individuals to perform the remaining officer roles(currently: PVP leader, WvW leader, Website curator).
Some key point’s found directly on our site are :
-We ask that members be mature and at least 16 years of age or older. If you are not over the age of 18 you are not garunteed membership status, when the membership councilman brings up your membership status, council will be reminded of your age and maturity will be a deciding factor.
-We have a diverse group of members, both male and female. The age averages out at about 26 but we have ages from 21 to 30+. “Trolling” will not be permitted in any way, however a good joke is always welcome.
-We have people of all skill level, some have played mmo’s for years and others that have never touched one in their life. Skill can be taught and will never be a deciding factor in membership.
-Players will not be pressured to represent our guild over others. We encourage all of our members to represent our guild when they so desire, but this is not required. You are a welcomed part of our guild regardless of who you choose to represent and when you choose to do so.
-Trial members do not have to fill out an application of any kind. However on our website you will only have access to the general chat forums and in game will be limited to general WvW and unstructured PvP (no tournaments).
If you have any questions about the guild or the application process please don’t hesitate to contact us through the website or the game. The council members are listed below with their positions so the right person can answer your questions. Their in game name is listed first with their website name following.
Leadership Council-Lady: Zazzi Copper’Cog / Pickle182
Treasurer Councilman: Revans
General Liaison Concilmen: Rip’Van Winkle / MrGlen, Anokethe / Anoknee
PvE Councilman: Doktah / TheDokta
Membership Councilmen: Wente, Guy Du’Bastyra
The website can be found at http://www.themantleofgallifrey.guildportal.com