GuildWars2 Junkies is a fan site dedicated to the MMORPG, you guess it, Guild Wars 2 by Arenanet. This site has been created with the intent to support the GW2 community as a whole. In doing so we hope to provide up-to-date coverage about anything going on with the game; this will include News, Media, Community Updates, Opinionated Blogs, Guides, and other events such as contests and polls. Additionally we have created our own forum that we invite everyone to discuss anything about Guild Wars 2. This may include theory crafting, strategies, debating news topics and, or lore.
GuildWars2 Junkies was created by two partners, Teljair and Draegan. Both have been successful at creating fansites in the past such as WAAAGHHammer.com and AOCmmo.com. The most successful of all has been the all purpose MMORPG Media site, Rerollz.com. With the success of FORCE Junkies and Rift Junkies, Jason and Ryan have expanded their vision to bring to you Guild Wars 2 Junkies.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2 Junkies.