Yesterday, Mike O’Brien, President of ArenaNet, had a few words to say about account security when it comes to Guild Wars 2 and other MMORPGs like it. He had more than a few words to say, in fact, and delved into some interesting topics, including the methods in which account thefts occur, how to successfully create passwords for games, the implication of gold sellers in a game with a cash shop, and the steps ArenaNet is taking to curb future instances of account theft.
O’Brien also mentioned this bit:
“We know customers also want a native implementation of two-factor authentication, and we want it too. This is an area where we should act faster as a company, and we’re going to. We had our own homegrown implementation of smartphone two-factor authenticator in testing, but we’re going to pull it back and instead integrate Guild Wars 2 with Google Authenticator, which already has robust authenticator implementations on most major smartphone platforms. We expect to roll this out in the next two weeks.”
First off, just let me say that the honesty here is refreshing. Secondly, great news on some type of authenticator heading our way in the weeks to come. In the announcement, O’Brien made a recommendation to all players, asking them to change their account passwords, and ensuring those passwords are used uniquely for Guild Wars 2.
Make sure and read the full news article.