Date: Sep 25, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Buzz  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

For players who play a Guardian character or go up against them frequently in PvP, here’s an interesting bit of info that you may have already realized– the visible range of the Shield of Absorption bubble (for shield offhand) varies based on the racial size of the character who’s casting the ability. This essentially means that charr and norn absorption bubbles will appear much larger than asura absorption bubbles (check here for a comparison).

Does the size of the Shield of Absorption bubble affect the actual range of the spell? The answer to that question is a definite no, as confirmed yesterday on the official forums. Here is what was said by Karl McLain:

Hi there, I’d like to clarify a bit on this issue (and figured I’d do it in the original thread):
The size of the actual skill is the same, regardless of race. What I see in the video is that the asura’s first Shield of Absorption pushes back its maximum (and closest) 5 enemies, then the next Shield of Absorption pushes the rest out of the skill’s radius. The skill’s visual effect is what’s dependent on the size of the character and will be fixed shortly, but the actual area of the ability is static.

The video in reference is this video, which was referred to in the original thread. What some players presumed to be a knockback difference as a result of the size of the character hit boxes is actually just a result of the second Shield of Absorption knocking back the closest available five targets, which were farther away than the five mobs that got knocked back during the first cast.

Date: Sep 24, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Buzz  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

To anyone who’s been working on map completion in Guild Wars 2, it should come as no surprise that some areas contain their fair share of buggy dynamic events and skill point challenges. Some bugs persist until the servers are reset or go down for maintenance, which can be frustrating for players who are trying to complete every zone they level in. It’s even more frustrating when some of these bugs seem so random. One skill challenge can be bugged one week, and the next, that one’s fixed, but a different skill challenge point then becomes bugged. Why are the bugs so random?

ArenaNet had a few words to say about this exact question over the weekend. Here’s what was said by Matthew Medina, Guild Wars 2 Content Designer:

To respond to this I can say that, yes, we’re aware of the general issues that have been reported with many Dynamic Events and skill challenges. They frustrate us as much as they frustrate you – most if not all of us devs are playing the game right along with you, and these content blockers can certainly be challenging to everyone’s enjoyment of the game experience.

I would like take this opportunity to clarify one thing I’ve seen discussed here on the forums and in game chat. It’s just not true that the higher level or other content wasn’t tested. It was. Thoroughly.

But even with the Beta Weekend Events and our own internal testing, there’s really only so much that we can do to simulate the number of times that events have to run in sequence once a game like Guild Wars 2 goes live. In particular, Arenanet has made iteration one of our key development philosophies which has the benefit of promoting the publishing of better in-game content, but which has the consequence of us doing many builds a day while we’re developing. In many cases the events that are breaking are doing so because of compounding errors that are hard to catch when you’re developing in such a fluid environment. We’re seeing a number of these blocking issues in events that have undergone extensive internal testing, but which have never needed to run dozens of times in a row, because of how frequently we developers were iterating and generating new builds.

We’re working as hard as we can to find and fix the biggest blocking issues, and it’s one of our top priorities to ensure that you can complete each map and play in events without running into these kinds of issues. We sincerely appreciate your patience, and your detailed reports on anything you come across that isn’t working as it should.

Date: Sep 21, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by ReginaBuenaobra (Source)

We want to give you a heads up: Starting with the new WvW rotation tomorrow, we will limit the free World transfer to one transfer every 24h. This should address some of the unwanted WvW exploits we have seen, while still giving people the opportunity to switch a server to play with their friends.

Some of those exploits mentioned are larger guilds transferring to other servers to clog their queues.

Date: Sep 19, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

There has been wide spread complaints that the rewards for finishing your personal story have been quite lackluster. For example, some folks have been getting normal green and blue rewards while some people, at level 80, are getting level 30 or 40 items. Arenanet is looking into fixing this:

Originally posted by Jeffrey Vaughn (Source)

I don’t set up rewards, so I don’t want to give any inacurrate information… But we are fixing this, and we’re looking at a retroactive reward for people who have already finished the final dungeon. (No ETA on either, sorry!) But you have not been forgotten, nor are you being ignored.

Date: Sep 18, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Jon Peters (Source)

Let me clarify the change a bit since not everyone understands it.

If you run the exact same chain twice in a row you will have your rewards cut. This means you can bounce back and forth between 2 different chains, even in the same dungeon without ever hitting this change. This change is made to encourage people to try different chains.

If you speed clear dungeons at a rate of more than 2/ hour, and continue to do that for some time your rewards will slowly begin to degrade. It doesn’t kick in after running a single dungeon and it doesn’t immediately zero out rewards.

Finally we reduced the value of repeating the story mode, because they are built to be easier and we want to encourage those repeating dungeons to run explore mode.

Originally posted by Robert Hrouda (Source)

Hey folks, I’ve been reading this thread for a bit and figured I’d come weigh in on things. I built this dungeon, and fixed the problem, so I’m going to come at you from the designer perspective on things to try and illuminate why I did what I did, and what exactly I did. It wasn’t made clear, and I apologize for that.

The main thing I am seeing, is that people are upset that I took away their super profitable low risk, fast, token grind. I did not go into this thinking everyone would be happy with my changes – I knew I would be upsetting people because I was taking away a super easy speed-run money printer.

I took it away for a few reasons – chief among them being what I feel is taking advantage of a couple bugs found in the same chain, and our leashing/aggro system. I played with groups who did this, and watched you-tube clips of what was going on. The problems I identified with the speed run aspect of this are as follows:

  • 1. You just need 1 person to get to the magmacyte across the magma field. This will cause an invulnerable Magg to run across the entire field through mobs and progress the dungeon. Then this person teleports back.
  • 2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event.
  • 3. Final Boss encounter isn’t threatening.

So what did I do?

  • 1. I made it so that Magg has to get to the other side of the Magma field and close to the magmacyte – not just a player. Magg not taking aggro from nearby enemies was a big reason for this issue to be resolved. By giving him aggro, and forcing you to escort him to the ending, I fixed what I considered to be a bug/exploit that I introduced through poor planning.
  • 2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.
  • 3. I made the fireballs hurt more. Not greatly more – they’ll do about 3-4k damage to a DPS focused player, but you should have anywhere between 15k-25k HP, so there’s a bit of wiggle room for error.
  • I made this path hard, because it was easy. It’s an explorable dungeon path, and they should be hard. Wearing the flame legion armor set should be a symbol of what you went through to obtain something. It should mean something. Right now it means you did 40 speedruns in 2 days.

I hope this helps a bit, but I understand you’re upset. For all it’s worth I’m sorry, and I hope we can move past this.

Date: Sep 18, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Jon Peters (Source)

Let me try and clarify myself a bit more. Death Shroud is very powerful because it gives Necromancer access to a secondary health bar which is is much more reliably renewable than normal health is for other professions. On top of that it essentially also gives them a 3rd weapon set that they can use to circumvent the basic weapon swap cooldown to reliably bounce between powerful skills in 3 different sets. For both of these reasons, Necromancer has a high power ceiling but also an extremely high learning curve.

In the current condition heavy meta-game, there is a lot of condition removal. The problem this is causing for Necromancers is that they do not have a lot of build diversity in this meta, because they don’t have any great power builds they can turn to. What I would like to try and do is increase build diversity without increasing effectiveness because I don’t believe we have really seen what strong Necromancers can do yet.

Hopefully that explains a bit where we stand. We are still working towards getting rid of all of the bugs in everyone’s skills and traits at which point we can get a much better idea of where everyone stands. That time will also give us the chance to see where the large amount of current players actually takes the meta game.

Date: Sep 17, 2012  |  Written by Laura Hardgrave  |  Posted Under: Buzz  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Players are reporting mixed feelings about Guild Wars 2′s dungeons so far. Some think they’re too difficultly tuned and not quite worth the rewards, others think they are just fine, and merely need an organized group and a bit of smart tactics to successfully clear. Yesterday, Colin Johanson, GW2′s Game Director, had a few things to say about the inherent difficulty of many of GW2′s dungeons and how dungeon difficulty in general was approached during the game’s alpha stages as well as in comparison to Guild Wars 1. It’s an interesting read!

Here’s a snippet:

I’ll point out ironically, when we first turned on DoA back in Gw1 the posts you’re seeing in this forum from a few folks about difficulty were the exact same comments everyone had about DoA. It was “impossible, mobs were just tuned to do insane damage and have huge HP, there was no tactics to defeat DoA”, etc. I went back and read through the original DoA launch feedback and it was literally identical to the comments folks on the forums are leaving now.

We made the choice back then to stick with the difficulty, and give people time to learn how to play the dungeon better and overcome it. A few months later, people viewed it as the most fun thing in the game and totally reasonable without us changing anything.

Keep reading for the rest of the quote!

Date: Sep 13, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: Uncategorized  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Mike Ferguson (Source)

Hey everyone, sorry to not post about this sooner, the last few days have been a little hectic and I wanted to verify a couple things first about the issues we’ve been seeing with the queues before posting anything.

As many of you know, it is possible for someone to queue up for a map after you and get in first. We’re trying to get that fixed as soon as possible but unfortunately we still need a bit more time to solve the problem. We will definitely keep you updated when there is any news on our progress.

I have been checking the queue sizes and wait times for each matchup, and there are a couple interesting things I’ve observed so far that may help reduce queue times for some of you.

Worlds at the top of the rankings can have queues that reach multiple hours (particularly for the Eternal Battlegrounds map), but most of the worlds in the bottom half of the ranking quite frequently have open spots in at least a few maps, and the lower ranked the server is, the more likely it is that there are spots available. I’ll be posting the up to date world rankings shortly.

When there are queues for every map, the wait time for borderland maps tends to be shorter. Enemy team borderlands tend to have the smallest queues for just about every team so you may want to try entering those maps first before attempting to queue for the Eternal Battlegrounds. If you are just entering the queue for the battlegrounds and not checking the borderlands maps first to see if they have space open, you could be missing out on playing in the Borderlands while you wait for a spot to open up for you in the Battlegrounds.

Make sure to continue reading.

Date: Sep 13, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Mike Ferguson (Source)

The match that ends Friday September 14 is scheduled to be our last 24 hour match.
The match that starts on Friday will be 1 week in length. We anticipate having week long matches for a couple weeks before switching to the 2 week format.

We are switching to a 1 week schedule so we can continue to let the ranking formula adjust server rankings faster than every 2 weeks, and it will hopefully help people get acclimated to the cadence of a longer match.

Date: Sep 13, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: 0 Comments

Originally posted by MikeFerguson (Source)

Starting on September 1 we began using the results of the 24 hour WvW matches to begin rematching worlds using our matchmatching system. We needed to fix a few bugs with the matchmaking server in the first few days which is why our data starts at that point.

Below are the current up to date rankings for all worlds. At some point we would like to deliver this data in a much better format but for now we just want to get the data out there for everyone to take a look at.

I am still trying to format the results of the 24 hour matches so I can start posting them here as well, but right now I have an excel table with lots of columns that I need to convert over and it’s not playing nice. Hopefully I can post them sometime in the next few days. I’ll try to update this thread with current rankings whenever possible.

Continue reading to see the results.

North American World Rankings
2132.171 Henge of Denravi
1952.644 Stormbluff Isle
1940.189 Eredon Terrace
1934.638 Jade Quarry
1729.114 Blackgate
1700.119 Isle of Janthir
1682.879 Sea of Sorrows
1646.364 Gate of Madness
1633.066 Crystal Desert
1564.007 Maguuma
1557.434 Fort Aspenwood
1528.095 Tarnished Coast
1521.522 Dragonbrand
1495.801 Sorrow’s Furnace
1475.709 Yak’s Bend
1453.539 Sanctum of Rall
1417.146 Ehmry Bay
1349.244 Darkhaven
1342.292 Anvil Rock
1153.872 Northern Shiverpeaks
1082.319 Borlis Pass
1079.313 Ferguson’s Crossing
917.602 Devona’s Rest
639.897 Kaineng
European World Rankings
2105.077 Vizunah Square
1827.692 Riversi
1818.402 Far Shiverpeaks
1805.138 solation
1719.996 Gandara
1671.552 Blackti
1635.271 Kodash
1633.805 Augury Rock
1624.561 Gunnar’s Hold
1612.615 Elona Reach
1605.675 Seafarer’s Rest
1601.157 Ja Sea
1581.806 Baruch Bay
1576.863 Arborstone
1537.148 Fort Ranik
1526.325 Aurora Gla
1502.309 Unrworld
1462.412 Abaddon’s Mouth
1371.646 Ring of Fire
1317.791 Drakkar Lake
1316.538 Piken Square
1295.069 Whitesi Ridge
1196.102 Ruins of Surmia
1163.022 Vabbi
1107.78 Fissure of Woe
1049.734 Miller’s Sound
848.089 Dzagonur
Date: Sep 2, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Account Security
Read this! If you don’t want your account hacked, don’t use the same email address and password for Guild Wars 2 that you’ve used for another game or web site. Hackers have big lists of email addresses and passwords that they’ve harvested from malware and from security vulnerabilities in other games and web sites, and they’re systematically testing Guild Wars 2 looking for matching accounts.
We’re doing everything we can to protect you. But to protect you in this case, we have to start with, “the hacker knows this person’s account name and password; now how do we keep him from stealing the account?” That’s hard to protect against. Don’t let it get to that point. Please immediately change your password to a new, strong, unique password that you’ve never used anywhere else.
Hacked Accounts
Our customer support team is prioritizing tickets from customers with hacked accounts or who are otherwise blocked from logging into the game. If your account was hacked, please follow these instructions for submitting a ticket, to make sure that your ticket is correctly prioritized and to make sure you’re submitting all the information we need to restore your access.
For hacked accounts, expect a response within 72 hours. As of this writing we’re working on tickets submitted August 30. If you submitted a hacked account ticket on August 29 or earlier, and haven’t received a response yet, your ticket may not be correctly prioritized. In that case, please submit a new ticket using the above instructions, and in the title write, “Hacked Account – Ticket submitted August 2x – Ticket number xxxxxx-xxxxxx” (fill in the date and ticket number), and we will prioritize your existing (August 29 or earlier) ticket.
Reset Password
We’re leaving the “reset password” feature disabled for now. If you forgot your password, please contact the customer support team.
We’re leaving this disabled for now because we believe that a significant number of customers are unaware that hackers have the passwords for their email accounts. If we enable “reset password”, a hacker who can get into an email account can use that access to get into the associated Guild Wars 2 game account.
Email Authentication
Email authentication is a feature we use to prevent hackers from gaining access to an account even if they know the account name and password.
We suffered an outage of email authentication mails today, preventing players from authorizing logins from new locations. This is now resolved.
When you receive an email authentication message, or any other email from, do not mark the email as spam! If you do, your email provider may prevent you from seeing any future email authentication messages.
Parties, Guilds, etc.
We’ve made significant fixes to parties and guilds. However, you may still see intermittent outages. These outages cause symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps, party members not joining dungeons together, and guild invites not working.
Trading Post
We’re periodically opening the Trading Post for testing. This morning it was open to all players for six hours. As of this writing, the Trading Post is offline so we can apply further bug fixes and performance improvements.
This morning during testing, some users purchased items and didn’t immediately receive them, or sold items and didn’t immediately receive the gold. We do have record of these transactions and are working on completing them. Check the “pick up” tab on your commerce panel to see if your transaction has completed.
PvP Tournaments
PvP tournaments were temporarily disabled today. We have now restored them.
World v. World
World v. World matches are now updating daily. We’re running 24-hour matches to balance servers.
We added three new worlds in Europe on Thursday, and three new worlds in America on Friday, and increased the population limits on all worlds.
During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it’s common for players to be directed to overflow servers. If you want to play with a friend, but you’re not on the same overflow servers, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend’s portrait in the party list and click “join”.
We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world.
Botting and exploits
It is our policy to permanently ban accounts engaged in botting and exploits, and we’re ramping up to do that.
If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead please notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net. (This email address is for notifying us of emergency exploits. We cannot respond individually to questions sent to this address.)
Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.
Next software updates
We’re making non-disruptive changes throughout the day. We’ll publish the next back-end server update tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform this update.
Date: Aug 31, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Arenanet is serious business. They are policing this game tremendously and they are doing a great job of it. Not only have they been banning people for using excessive language (which was hilarious by the way) they are taking people down who abused a bug in the game. There were certain karma vendors and an exploit that allowed you to buy weapons for 60 karma when they should of been around 63,000 karma. People were buying 100′s of these weapons and then heading over to the Mystic Forge. Here’s what Anet had to say on the subject:

Today we banned a number of players for exploiting Guild Wars 2. We take our community and the integrity of the game very seriously, and want to be clear that intentionally exploiting the game is unacceptable. The players we banned were certainly intentionally and repeatedly exploiting a bug in the game. We intended to send a very clear message that exploiting the game in this way will not be tolerated, and we believe this message now has been well understood.

We also believe and respect that people make mistakes. This is in fact the first example of a widespread exploit in the game. With this in mind, we are offering the members of our community who exploited the game a second chance to repair the damage that has been done.

Thus, just this once, we will offer to convert permanent bans to 72-hour suspensions. Should those involved want to accept this offer of reinstatement, contact us on our support website–—and submit a ticket through the “Ask a Question” tab. Please use the subject heading of “Karma Weapons Exploit Appeal”, then confirm in the body of your ticket that you will delete any items/currency that you gained from the exploit. You should submit only one ticket. Once you have done so, we will lower your ban to 72 hours, and following your re-activation we will check your account to make sure that you have honored your commitment. If that commitment is not honored, we will re-terminate the account.

This is a first and final warning. Moving forward, please make sure you that when you see an exploitable part of the game, you report it and do not attempt to benefit from it.
We look forward to seeing you in game,

Yours Sincerely,
Chris Whiteside- Lead Producer ArenaNet

Other people have been getting banned for exploiting parts of the game. For example, a popular streamer was buying cooking materials for cheap karma, combining them, and selling them for a large profit. So this should be a warning to everyone out there: if there is a part of the game that seems too good to be true, don’t take advantage of it. You’ll get the bannhammer.

Date: Jun 11, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Lindsey Murdock (Source)

The way leveling XP gain works in crafting is this: For leveling a discipline from 0-400, you will gain 10 levels along the way. By maxing out all 8 disciplines, you will gain 80 levels. That means you could dedicate a character to crafting, feed it all the mats you get on other characters and level it all the way to 80 without ever needing to kill a thing. As hardcore crafters, we think that is pretty cool.

Date: May 1, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Jon Peters (Source)

This is a general rule of our skill system. AoE attacks hit up to 5 targets. AoE buffs or heals can heal up to 5. We cap it at 5 because its the party size and lets us reign in the balance on AoE without impacting most normal situations. WvW is the one place where this shows up, but we believe the alternative is worse. Hope this helps…

Date: May 1, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: News  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Originally posted by Jon Peters (Source)

Hey all. I wanted to talk about this a bit since it is a hot topic here and also on the internets. The intention is that both styles are viable. Certainly right now Melee is more difficult than ranged. There are some things we will try to do to address this, but I think the more you play you would find they are closer than you think.
First what’s already there:

1) Melee does more damage. Melee damage is simply higher than ranged damage across the board.
2) Melee has more control. With a few intentional exception Melee has a lot more control than ranged.
What Melee needs:
1) defensive tools on more weapons, particularly on lower armor professions.
2) ai needs to favor Melee a bit less than it currently does.

What else:
Finally because of the more action based nature of combat Melee needs to be taught better. Effective Melee requires skills that translate over from FPS games which are notoriously harder on casual players. You have to wasd to move, constantly aim with your mouse camera, and hit skills on 1-5.
Some tips:

If you have learned any good Melee tips that you think we should pass on to newer players feel free to post them here. I’ll start with a few tips of my own.

- If you don’t have mouse look on when using a skill you will turn to face. I sometimes let go of mouse look as I activate to help me aim through the chaos and then click it back down in between attacks.
- Melee has a lot of hard hitting skills and good setup. Utility skills Can really help set up big Melee attacks. Bulls charge on warrior, scorpion wire on thief, judges intervention on guardian.
- know when to run. No matter what you are not a tank. You have to move in and out avoiding damage. If you have to soak damage try and bring boons like Protection and Regeneration or conditions like Blindness and the very undervalued Weakness.

Thanks for reading this all. Rest assured we will keep working on this and just keep in mind the subtle differences in GW2 combat that take a while to sink in.

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