With BWE3 coming this weekend, Arenanet will be wiping all characters and will also be adding both the Sylvari and Asura race. Since launch is only a month and a half away, what will you being doing this weekend? Will you be checking out the new races or will you be trying out multiple classes to figure out what you’ll be playing at launch?
Beta is a great time to get prepared for how you’ll be playing once the game goes live. Since there is no public ongoing test server, there are tons of changes from Weekend Event to Weekend Event. Rumor has it that a few of the classes, namely the Engineer, have gone through some major changes. Are you an engineer itching to get your hands on a flamethrower again?
Regardless of your chosen class or race, there is a lot of content to be tested. Arenanet is opening up new pvp maps, adding new things to W3 and allowing players to choose between two brand new races. There is certainly a lot to be tested and most likely, you won’t have time to check all of it out. If you’re a min/maxing Junkie then you might want to focus on one single area and get the most out of your time.
Here are two things that would most likely be important to discover, keep reading to see if you agree.
World vs. World
New objectives have been added to the Mists of W3 called Sentries. A good place to start is to find all of their locations and see how many points or experience they give. These may be good places to hit as a low level player to receive some quick rewards.
Asura and Sylvari are Now Available
The final two races are now available to play, and if you plan on playing one at launch, now is your opportunity to explore and learn the maps. If your objective is to level as fast as possible, you might want to learn the flow of the map so that you can get the most out of your time at launch, gain levels and skill points faster, and crush your opponents in W3 swiftly.
There is one caveat that is worthy of testing. The bulk of anyone’s experience comes from events and events are more rewarding when there are more players available. The more people around, the faster events are completed which gives you more experience. Typically in other MMO launches, you want to stay ahead of the tide of players so you don’t run into competition. In GW2, this is not an issue, and staying at the crest of the wave might be more beneficial (assuming you don’t have a large guild to level with).
So this weekend you can test which is faster, leveling with the masses or shooting out ahead. The Sylvari and Asura maps will most likely be more crowded and give you the opportunity to test this.
Assuming that you’ve spend a lot of time throughout all the Weekend Events playing GW2 and you won’t be playing just for the pure joy of the game, what will you be doing this weekend?