To anyone who’s been working on map completion in Guild Wars 2, it should come as no surprise that some areas contain their fair share of buggy dynamic events and skill point challenges. Some bugs persist until the servers are reset or go down for maintenance, which can be frustrating for players who are trying to complete every zone they level in. It’s even more frustrating when some of these bugs seem so random. One skill challenge can be bugged one week, and the next, that one’s fixed, but a different skill challenge point then becomes bugged. Why are the bugs so random?
ArenaNet had a few words to say about this exact question over the weekend. Here’s what was said by Matthew Medina, Guild Wars 2 Content Designer:
To respond to this I can say that, yes, we’re aware of the general issues that have been reported with many Dynamic Events and skill challenges. They frustrate us as much as they frustrate you – most if not all of us devs are playing the game right along with you, and these content blockers can certainly be challenging to everyone’s enjoyment of the game experience.
I would like take this opportunity to clarify one thing I’ve seen discussed here on the forums and in game chat. It’s just not true that the higher level or other content wasn’t tested. It was. Thoroughly.
But even with the Beta Weekend Events and our own internal testing, there’s really only so much that we can do to simulate the number of times that events have to run in sequence once a game like Guild Wars 2 goes live. In particular, Arenanet has made iteration one of our key development philosophies which has the benefit of promoting the publishing of better in-game content, but which has the consequence of us doing many builds a day while we’re developing. In many cases the events that are breaking are doing so because of compounding errors that are hard to catch when you’re developing in such a fluid environment. We’re seeing a number of these blocking issues in events that have undergone extensive internal testing, but which have never needed to run dozens of times in a row, because of how frequently we developers were iterating and generating new builds.
We’re working as hard as we can to find and fix the biggest blocking issues, and it’s one of our top priorities to ensure that you can complete each map and play in events without running into these kinds of issues. We sincerely appreciate your patience, and your detailed reports on anything you come across that isn’t working as it should.