Date: Sep 23, 2012  |  Written by Jason Dodge  |  Posted Under: Article, Junkies Nation TV  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

UPDATE: Audio of this podcast is now up after the break.

Watch this week’s episode as Clementine and Draegan go over the news, notes and WvW action of the week of 9/14. We also have an interview with Archaos of Ruin Gaming as he gives us a run down of his opinions of WvW.

As always, if you have any crazy, fun or interesting videos, send them to If you have an entry for the “Name Our Show” contest please send an email to the same address with “GW2 Junkies Podcast Naming Contest” in the subject line.

If you have any tips, news, or anything we are missing on the show as well as any feedback, leave a comment or send an email to either Draegan or Clementine.


Click to continue reading to watch the whole episode.