This weekend is fast approaching and Arenanet is now allowing people to do some free World (server) transfers so you can get and play with friends that might be joining the BWEs for the first time.
If you played in our first Beta Weekend Event, you will already have an existing home world. We’ll have a lot more players participating in this second beta, so you may want to change your home world so you can play together with your friends. Good news, everyone! World transfers will be free of charge on June 8 from Noon PDT (GMT -7) until 6PM PDT (GMT -7) on June 9. After this point, a world transfer will cost 1800 gems with a limit of one transfer every 7 days.
What if you need a server transfer after the free grace period expires?
Every beta player will get 500 free gems automatically, and you can get 2000 free gems by entering a valid credit card in the Gem Store. You will not be charged, but your credit card company might place a $1 hold charge on your account. Don’t worry; it’s not an actual charge!
Not only will you be able to transfer, but you get to help Arenanet test out their RMT/Cashshop system. If you wish to read the full blog and get a list of all available servers, follow this link to Arenanet’s homepage.