Date: Apr 4, 2012  |  Written by Drew R  |  Posted Under: Article, Editorial, sidebararticlelist  |  DISQUS With Us: 0 Comments

The guys at The Yogscast took the time to give us an in depth overview of racial elite skills. Not all of the races have been available for any of the closed beta events. The two unique races, Sylvari and Asura have been left out thus far. Giving us something to still look forward to seeing. Char, Human, and Norn however have several options to choose from.

Date: Apr 2, 2012  |  Written by Drew R  |  Posted Under: sidebararticlelist  |  DISQUS With Us: No comments yet

Crafting so far in Guild Wars 2 seems to be a fairly basic system. You create the base component items, then place them in the final craft window and if your items can make something it lets you know. To me It feels like it’s unneeded clicking, the bane of crafters. Keep in mind that this is still beta and hopefully the system will get some major work before launch. If anything I’d suggest removing the two weapon component clicks into one item. Instead of making a dagger hilt and blade, how about just a stat-less dagger. Then take your dagger and the inscription to make the actual magic Dagger of Noob Slaying.